Выделенный сервер
Название сервера
Information about the server

“Once A Wing Walker, Always A Wing Walker”


The Wing Walkers (virtual) Squadron is made up of people from all walks of life, different countries, and wide-ranging personal skills. How this many people have managed to maintain a squadron that rarely meets in person, for so many years (we were founded in 1992) is a testament to, among other things, our membership selection process.

Our goal is to find people with a similar love of simulated historic aerial combat; a desire to be part of a mature (age not with-standing) group that is more like family than “clan-mates”, and those looking to have fun with like-minded individuals.

Server Rules

These rules are not comprehensive. Admins reserve the right to use their own judgment concerning what is and is not acceptable behaviour.  Don't be disruptive, and we'll all get along fine.

Server Team

Administrators:            WWSittingDuck, WWBiker, WWCephas, WWGeezer

Mission Designers:      WWBiker, WWCephas, WWDriftwood, WWFawlty, WWGeezer, WWSittingduck

Please e-mail the Server Team: Server_ops@wingwalkers.org to get support, report bugs, server problem, etc.

You can send an e-mail to report player behaviour that contravenes the Wing Walker rules. For example, attacking other players while they are on the ground, deliberate team kills, repeated egregious friendly fire, or use of racist, sexist, homophobic, religious, or other slurs in chat.

Squadron Skins         

Artists:  WWDubya, WWCraven, WWDarkdiz, WWGreyWolfe

Wing Walker skins are available for download on Haluter’s Skin Downloader and can be found by searching the IL2 group tab for Wing Walkers Virtual Pilots Squadron.